Quote Originally Posted by pitpawten
First let me say how awesome the site is and how much nostalgia I have when I play old Atari games yadda yadda yadda : )

It appears that the Atati 2600 and 7800 goodsets are the same thing. The site states that the 7800 Goodset is 3,566KB, however when I downloaded it, it was 9,285KB. And inside the file labeled "Good7800 1.00 - Complete.exe" there is a folder called "Good2600 1.00 - Complete". This is the same folder inside the 2600 Goodset that I downloaded.

So my question is, is there a separate 7800 Goodset, and do you guys have it.

There are some different games between the 2600 and 7800, and some better versions of 2600 games that were released for the 7800 like "Pole Position", "Xenephobe" and "Solaris", however I believe that the 2600 emulator with play both. But I am not certain.

Either way, can you please let me know. And again, Thank you my friends for a great site

Woops that is quite the error, their is a separate 7800 goodset, If you want it you can get if off my FTP, (link in sig)

This does really need to be fixed.