When I attempt to download the last file on the Megaman legends II page I'm redirected to a bare-bones page and doesn't actually open up any download windows. I'm using Firefox as my browser. The only problem is that the file must have something to do with the sound during cutscenes, because the game works fine there's just no sound during cutscenes. Here's a link to the page I'm sent to: Should I just right click and do the Save As... thing and put it in the bin with the rest of the game files, or what?

And another quick question while I've got you all here, I'm downloading FF VII and FF IX. Both are multi-disc games. I'm new to PSX emulators and I don't know what I'll be doing during the 'Please Insert Disc II' screen. Please just let me know what'll be happening, I'd be ever so grateful. I'm using ePSXe.

Thanks for any help any of you can give.