Originally posted by Golgo 13
On the subject, it would have been really funny had Arnie and the bird made out. I mean, could they, though? It begs many questions, it really does.
Maybe in the porn version Terminator 3 Rise of the ******

I have only watched T-3 on DVD anyway (I own it on DVD that is) and even the bonus disc is not that good but atleast all the charactor backgrounds is on the bonus disc in text form atleast, but it's still nothin you wouldn't know if you had seen the other 2 films.

T-3 simple put is an effects film and not that much of a story film and I realy think that was there biggest let down as a Terminator film overall for T-3 (Sorry for my constant comments for the film but I'm just trying to figure out what they done wrong with this one)