Simple really. Post your favourite film and the reasons for your choice and you'll join the hallowed ranks of those who have replied to one of my (consistantly bollocks, I might add) threads. Marvellous.

Anyway, Im going to be incredibly cheap and say, at the moment, Gladiator is probably the best film Ive seen (even for all its gaffes - and there are many). It just all seems to come together, directing, casting, musical score, a non-too clich�d story - the film has it all. And I can do a wicked impression of Russell Crowe when he does his 'husband to a murdered wife...' bit. So it therefore naturally wins everything.

A controversial decision (or an easy cop-out) this may be, but I have seen many films. And I can truthfully say that none have engrossed me, or indeed immersed me into the world it attempts to create more than this film. Perhaps its my deep interest in the period it pictates, perhaps its because of the splendid battles, perhaps even its down somewhat to the poignancy of this being Oliver Reeds last film (the bloke, being the womaniser/alcoholic/etc that he was, was a legend). But something strikes me about this film that no other has thus far.

Anyway, before you start bleating on about how old this film is, cocky bollocks, the reason why I felt the need to mention this is down to me watching it (for about the 15th time, no lie) again the other day. A true spectacle.
