I'd take Samus' Armor, Buster Gun (if my opponent has all the same abilities I do, I don't wanna face down a RYNO 2!!), and Other-> Sly Cooper's Cane(Much more useful). For my vehicle, I'd take the lightcycle. Chicks dig lightcycles.

My mental and physical abilities are naturally superior to my doppelganger, because I'm the original and he's just a copy. I win the fight fair and square, and my lady and I ride off on my ba-dass new lightcycle. THE END.

After answering one of the previous challenges, think of a new one and post it in this thread. (See what I did there? ) Honestly, I'd try harder to think of a new one, but I've been up almost 18 hours. I'll leave it to someone who has more remaining brain matter between their ears.