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Thread: Ultratoilet Alien Synopsis

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    Default Ultratoilet Alien Synopsis

    You all know what an ultratoilet is by now, but did you know that there is a backstory and that toilets are real wormhole entry point portals for aliens?

    On a distant planet many galaxies away, deep in the dark recesses of its vast sewer system, lived a unique species of aliens. These creatures had adapted to the harsh and toxic environment of their world, evolving to thrive in the murky waters and foul-smelling sludge.

    The sewage planet was a desolate and dangerous place, filled with all manner of grotesque creatures and deadly traps. But the aliens had learned to navigate its labyrinthine tunnels with ease, using their keen senses and incredible agility to avoid danger and find sustenance.

    Despite their harsh existence, the sewer aliens were a peaceful and harmonious society. They lived in closely-knit communities, working together to survive and thrive in their grimy world. Each alien had a specific role to play, from scavenging for food and materials to maintaining the intricate network of tunnels and pipes that made up their home.

    One day, a group of curious aliens stumbled upon a strange and wondrous discovery. They had uncovered the hidden intergalactic portal, a shimmering toilet gateway that led to any another world. Without hesitation, they bravely stepped through the portal, eager to explore the unknown realm beyond.

    What they found on the other side was a stark contrast to their own world. It was a place of bright colors, fresh air, and sparkling water. The aliens were amazed by the beauty of this new world, and they marveled at the strange creatures that roamed its surface.

    But as they explored this new world, they soon realized that they were not alone. There were other beings here, humans that were not like them. These creatures were tall and had strange appendages, and they spoke in a language the aliens could not understand.

    Despite their initial fear and confusion, the sewer aliens soon realized that these beings were not overtly hostile. They were fascinated by the aliens and eager to learn more about their strange home world.

    And so, the sewer aliens and the beings on other worlds formed a bond via toilet portals, exchanging knowledge and culture. The aliens showed the humans how to survive in the harsh conditions of their sewer planet, while the humans introduced the aliens to the wonders of their own world.

    Over time, the aliens learned to appreciate the beauty of other worlds with toilet portal travel, and they realized that despite their differences, they were not so different after all. They were all creatures, searching for a way to survive and thrive in the vast and mysterious universe.

    Aliens have advanced technology that allows them to manipulate matter
    and create wormholes. These wormholes can be created at any point in
    space and time, but they need a specific entry point to access Earth.
    The aliens have studied Earth's culture and have learned about the
    widespread use of toilets. They realize that toilets are a convenient
    entry point for their wormholes, as they are found in almost every
    building and are often connected to the sewage system. The aliens use
    their technology to create a wormhole within the toilet bowl. When a
    human flushes the toilet, the water and waste are sucked into the
    wormhole, transporting them to the alien's planet. At the same time, the
    wormhole also opens up a portal for the aliens to travel to Earth. To
    avoid detection, the aliens have programmed their technology to only
    activate the wormhole when a human uses the toilet. The wormhole is also
    designed to close immediately after use, so there is no evidence left
    behind. In this way, the aliens are able to travel to Earth undetected,
    using the humble toilet as their secret portal.
    In a distant corner of the universe, there is a planet named Sterculius made entirely of sewage. It wasn't just any sewage, but a collection of waste and filth from other galaxies from intergalactic toilet portal flushes. The planet is home to a species of alien creatures that had adapted to living in this environment. They were known simply as the sewer aliens to the first humans that encountered them, their name for themselves are the Fecaloids.

    The sewer aliens were unlike any other creatures in the universe. They had evolved to thrive in the toxic environment of their planet. Their bodies were slimy and malleable, allowing them to move through the thick sludge with ease. They had multiple eyes, making it easy for them to navigate through the darkness of the sewers. Their skin was tough and resistant, protecting them from the harmful chemicals that made up the sewage.

    Despite living in a planet made of sewage, the sewer aliens were a highly advanced species. They had developed intricate systems of tunnels and chambers that allowed them to live and thrive in the filth. They had also discovered ways to extract valuable resources from the sewage, such as rare metals and minerals.

    One day, a group of explorers from Earth traveled to the planet through a wormhole entry point toilet portal. They were amazed by the sight of the sewer aliens and their advanced civilization. The sewer aliens, however, did not receive word from sewer aliens already on Earth of human visitation and were not pleased with the intrusion. They saw the explorers as threat to their way of life and began to launch feces from cannons at them.

    The explorers were forced to retreat, but they didn't give up. They returned with a team of scientists who were fascinated by the sewer aliens and their planet. The scientists studied the sewer aliens and their technology, hoping to learn from them.

    As the scientists worked alongside the sewer aliens, they discovered that the sewage planet was not a natural occurrence. It was a result of the waste and pollution created by other civilizations in the universe. The sewer aliens had inadvertently become the custodians of the universe's filth.

    The scientists worked together with the sewer aliens to find a solution to the pollution problem. They developed new technologies that could clean up the waste and prevent it from accumulating on other planets. The sewer aliens were pleased with the progress and welcomed the cooperation between their species and the explorers.

    In the end, the explorers and the sewer aliens had formed a bond of mutual respect and admiration. They had learned from each other and worked together to make the universe a cleaner and better place. The planet of sewage had become a beacon of hope for a cleaner future, thanks to the unlikely alliance between the sewer aliens and the explorers.

    Fecaloids are made up of methane and developed a unique way of surviving in the harsh conditions of planet Sterculius. It's a world whose atmosphere consists of methane from the sewage, its land masses are concretions of sewage and its oceans are liquid methane. They move through their pipes and tunnels with ease, using the gas to power their machinery, vehicles and communicate with one another. They developed a system of communication that is based on the exchange of methane gas, which allows them to share information and ideas with one another by farting. Humans began to study the aliens, learning more about their unique methane-based life biology and social structure. In turn, the aliens taught the humans about the importance of living in harmony with one's environment.

    Fecaloids swimming in a pool of methane. (three eyes on back of head)
    Last edited by Till; 29th-May-2023 at 22:49. Reason: I shit you not, pun intended.
    Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.

    Spoiler warning:

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