As of right now, it's still going through the birthing pains. I'm having troubles registering a domain name -- for some reason, it doesn't want to let me do so without having to re-enter a bunch of information that I don't have because I'm not using my own Paypal account for it (I use a friend of mine's and then just give him a tip here and there).


<b>Welcome to my Die-Ary</b>...
It's a website similar to that of LiveJournal or Blogger where you sign up for a journal and create your account. Really, it's that simple. It's based off the awesome power of fusionPHP which has been modified massively thanks to yours truly. Custom stylesheets and welcome page information are created by you and only you. It's a very flexible account.

Anyone who signs up within the next three months will receive free FTP root access to their account when we officially open up to the masses.